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Stata Manual Pdf


Stata Tutorial

Language definitionBreak out of for, while, or do loopObject-oriented programming (classes)CommentsContinue with next iteration of for, while, or do loopDeclarations and typesdo. While (exp)Error codesExpressionsfor (exp1; exp2; exp3) stmtPassing functions to functionsgoto labelif (exp). Else.Arithmetic operatorsAssignment operatorColon operatorsConditional operatorIncrement and decrement operatorsRow- and column-join operatorsKronecker direct-product operatorLogical operatorsRange operatorsConjugate transpose operatorOptional argumentsPointersSuppressing warning messagesReserved wordsreturn and return(exp)Use of semicolonsStructuresUse of subscriptsMata language grammar and syntaxVersion controlVoid matriceswhile (exp) stmtM-3 Commands for controlling Mata. Commands for controlling MataExit Mata and return to StataEasily create function libraryMata invocation commandClear Mata's memoryDescribe contents of Mata's memoryDrop matrix or functionObtain help in StataSave and restore matricesReport on Mata's memory usageCreate function librarySave function's compiled code in object fileRename matrix or functionSet and display Mata system parametersExecute Stata commandIdentify functionSpecifying matrix and function namesM-4 Categorical guide to Mata functions.